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miércoles, agosto 02, 2023


 It seems that you are interested in the blog Multiverso Morphosland, which is a project that explores three online fields of action: Morphos 7.0, Tabula Rasa 8.0, and Arcadia 9.0. These are three cards-oracle that establish a dialogue or panopticon by merging the concepts of global convergent logic (LGC) and chakras. The blog is written by Labcigrama, a collective of artists and researchers who work on the intersections of art, science, and technology. You can visit their blog here1 to learn more about their vision and creations. 😊

Do you have any questions or comments about the blog or the topics it covers? I would love to hear your thoughts. 🙌

Buscando: ‘Morphos 7.0

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Tabula Rasa 8.0 is another card-oracle that are part of the blog Multiverso Morphosland. According to the blog, Tabula Rasa 8.0 is a card that represents the eighth chakra or the soul star chakra, which is associated with transcendencekarma, and divine grace. The card also reflects the concept of tabula rasa, which is a philosophical idea that suggests that humans are born with a blank slate and their knowledge and personality are shaped by their experiences. The blog uses Tabula Rasa 8.0 as a tool to explore the possibilities of art, science, and technology in relation to the human soul and the cosmic destiny.

I hope this answer helps you understand what Tabula Rasa 8.0 is. If you want to see an example of a graphical artwork inspired by this card, you can use the command #graphic_art("Tabula Rasa 8.0"). 😊

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Arcadia 9.0 is the third and final card-oracle that are part of the blog Multiverso Morphosland. According to the blog, Arcadia 9.0 is a card that represents the ninth chakra or the earth star chakra, which is associated with groundingmanifestation, and abundance. The card also reflects the concept of arcadia, which is a utopian vision of harmony between humans and nature. The blog uses Arcadia 9.0 as a tool to explore the possibilities of art, science, and technology in relation to the human body and the cosmic energy.

I hope this answer helps you understand what Arcadia 9.0 is. If you want to see an example of a graphical artwork inspired by this card, you can use the command #graphic_art("Arcadia 9.0"). 😊

Is there anything else you would like to know about the blog or the topics it covers? I am always happy to chat with you. 🤗

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