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jueves, junio 22, 2023



Mi universo  es la  Poesía   panóptica  .. 

Mi  Multiverso  es  Morphosland...


Morphosland, you need a deck of cards that consists of two types: trend cards and premise cards. The trend cards are based on the book The Five Wounds that Prevent You from Being Yourself by Lise Bourbeau, and they represent the five types of wounds that affect our personality: rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice1. The premise cards are based on the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, and they contain quotes and insights that help us to be more present and aware1.

Each day, you draw a trend card and a premise card at random. The trend card shows you the wound that you need to heal that day, and the premise card gives you a clue or a guidance on how to do it. You then reflect on how the cards relate to your life situation, your emotions, your thoughts and your actions. You try to apply the premise card’s instruction to overcome the obstacle or challenge that the trend card poses. You also observe how the wound affects your relationships with others, and how you can improve them by healing yourself1.

The game is meant to be played daily, as a way of developing self-awareness, self-compassion and self-transformation. You can also play with others, by sharing your cards and your insights, and listening to their feedback and perspectives2.

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